Hiding in Plain Sight:Hentai anime sex doll

How to buy a sex doll without people knowing

Sex dolls are primarily made of silicone and TPE materials. Silicone is a highly durable and waterproof material. Its flexibility gives sex dolls lifelike features and soft-touch skin, feeling just like touching a real person. Silicone sex dolls are heavier and more expensive than TPE but are also easier to maintain and have a longer lifespan. With the revolution in material technology in recent years, the cost of silicone sex dolls, which used to sell for hundreds of thousands, has decreased exponentially. Moreover, after continuous adjustments by people, the realism of the touch has been getting better and better. Therefore, you no longer need to consider those cheap inflatable dolls. What you need to consider is the transportation cost and how to store your sex doll at home without embarrassment. You need to think about how to hide your sex doll.You may have browsed sex doll products before but never made a purchase. Apart from being afraid of being scammed, you're also considering how to accommodate your sex doll. But have you ever thought about it being an anime figure?

 anime sex doll

From Collectibles to Companion: The New Function of Anime Figures as Sex Doll Hiders

Anime figures are typically small plastic models made with characters from anime or games as prototypes. Their details and quality are often very high, making them a favorite of many collectors. Many people enjoy Japanese anime and collect figures. There are nearly 30 million anime fans in the United States. Some are fans of specific protagonists, including those who like hentai. Notable game characters include 2B from Nier: Automata and Tifa from Final Fantasy VII. These two characters have been featured in countless hentai videos by numerous enthusiasts. There are also Android 18 from Dragon Ball and Boa Hancock from One Piece. Having a figure of a favorite character at home can serve as a good friend to accompany you. In addition to being display pieces, many people use anime figures to decorate their rooms or offices. But now there is another function - to hide your hentai sex doll.

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Hiding in Plain Sight: How Hentai Sex Dolls Look Like Exquisite Figures

Many people like 1:1 life-size sex dolls, but they are challenging to hide, and the transportation and material costs are high. Hentai sex dolls look like exquisite figures, so they are usually not too big, with a height of 20+ inches being the most suitable. The hair and facial parts are made using GK figure craftsmanship. Inside the doll's body, there is a metal skeleton for support, and some can even be posed in your desired positions. We use top-grade silicone to make the doll's body and vagina so that you don't have to worry about the hentai sex doll's vagina being too small to insert. In fact, the vagina made inside the doll's body is large enough to accommodate your penis. (Remember the masturbatory cup? That's even smaller.) LORIBEAR is a brand mainly engaged in making masturbatory cups, so we have enough experience in creating realistic silicone vaginas. However, when it is dressed in the character's clothing and displayed in front of others, people will only marvel at its beauty, and no one will know the story between you and your Hentai sex doll.

hentai sex doll

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